Monday March 29th, 8:15 am- Sully was born. After cleaning him off, I got the chance to hold him only to have him whisked away when the nurses realized his breathing was not quite right. After 2 hours of CPAP (the little mask over his face helping him breathe), Sully still wasn't breathing right on his own so the doc called the NICU in Provo and arranged to have the NICU team/ambulance come to Heber to pick up the babe.

5:30 pm- They extubated Sully in Provo and he was breathing fine on his own, but still had plenty of wires, tubes, and machines hooked to his little body to monitor him.
7:15 pm- Thankfully Dr Tayler gave the okay for me to be released from the hospital. After making a quick stop at home to give Liv some love, Aunt Hezzie and I headed down the canyon.
7:30 pm- Grammie landed in SLC from Philadelphia (she was on a trip with friends and jumped on a plane as soon as she got word the baby was coming). Papa Winterton picked her up and brought her to the hospital in Provo so she could meet the new grand baby.

9:30 pm- I got to the hospital to relieve daddy and finally brought him something to eat. Hezzie, Grammie, and I cuddled with Sully and all of his wires until about midnight then headed home. This was the point when I started asking myself "Did I really have a baby this morning?" It seemed like it had been a weeklong day.

Tuesday March 30th- Sully got moved to the "border" nursery where babies are learning how to eat and getting ready to go home. I got a room at the hospital (yay!) so I could nurse him through the night. Liv got to come meet her new little brother through the glass and loves to say "Hi baby!"

Wednesday March 31st, 2 pm- After the docs made sure Sullivan was 100% healthy, they gave us the okay to end our very expensive stay in the NICU. We were all very happy to be headed home, but a little nervous to be in charge of a fragile baby. Grammie, Hezzie, Rode, and I have spent plenty of time anxiously staring at Sully sleeping, analyzing his breathing patterns, and convincing ourselves there is a problem.

1. When your baby is in the NICU, you HAVE to ask questions and be persistent until you get the answer you are looking for. It was hard to feel like I was in charge of my child, because he was always in a nurse's care (which i appreciated of course). But I had to remember I was still his mother and could have a say in decisions beibg made. Luckily I learned my mother's interrogation techniques- those poor nurses had sue kane and sue kane in training asking a million questions.
2. Although it felt nice to get a baby out of my large, uncomfortable, 8 months pregnant body, it would have been worth it to keep him cooking for a little bit longer so he could grow some surfactant.
3. A NICU ambulance ride costs $800 down the canyon, just in case any of you were considering that as transportation to provo. It would probably be cheaper to call a cab :)

Congratulations! So glad Sully is healthy now but sorry to hear about the crazy beginnings for him.
oh he is precious! LOVE his name! two thumbs up on that one. yeah, i feel ya on the expences part. tae was in the nicu for a week when she was born. yuck. and you're right about having to take control. every day i kept the pull around curtain all around us just to get some degree of privacy and not feel like everyone has to stare like we're an exhibit at a zoo.
:) congrats again!!!
Wow what stressful few days for you guys! I am so glad he is doing well, congrats!
Congrats Katie!! I'm glad everything is going well now and Sully is home! He is so cute!
Katie....little Sully is sure a handsome little man. So sorry about all the scares but glad to hear he is going good now! Congrats!!!
Congrats on the birth of such a beautiful baby boy. I can't believe he had such a crazy start in this world, but I'm glad you and the baby are doing fine now.
Wow, what a story! I'm glad to hear he's okay! And he's very cute, too! Both of your kids are adorable.
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